Monday 19 September 2011

The Beginning - Some Pictures

 Here are a few pictures from my trip thus far. I have taken so many but because you arent able to do albums on here and have to post the pictures individually its time consuming. So there will be lots more to show when I get home. :)

FINALLY landing in Uganada.

There are these guards everywhere. They are on almost ever street corner in gorups. Apparently you arent allowed to take their picture, but at the time I didnt know this.

Driving into Masaka. The roads here are sometimes confusing because of all the pot holes, people drive everwhere to try and avoid them. And you're sharing the road with cars, trucks, motorcycles and bicycles.

A picture on the outskirts of Masaka.

Another picture of what life here in the 'city' is like.

Standing on the Equator.

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